Along the path of life there are many pleasant and unwelcome changes. As a therapist, I try to help people identify their present position on life’s path, the changes that are occurring and how they feel about them. Change is constant whether we seek and try to alter it or whether we feel that things “just happen” to us. Therapy and counseling may help people understand their present position on their path by looking at their past and developing a clear idea of where they want to be in the future.

Specialities 1


Can help people discover a pathway to change that will help them live in a comfortable present by identifying and articulating their feelings and exploring whether these feelings are due to situations and circumstance in their lives such as the death of a loved one, the sudden end of a relationship or an accident, injury or illness or whether these feelings are the result of long standing beliefs about themselves or their relationships that keep getting in their way.
Though I cannot prescribe medication through this practice, I often help clients assess whether anti-depressant, anti-anxiety or mood stabilizing medication may be helpful and have worked with psychiatrists and other prescribing physicians to monitor the effects of medication in during therapy.

Specialities 2


Can help people discover a pathway to change that will help them live in a comfortable present by identifying and articulating their feelings and exploring whether these feelings are due to situations and circumstance in their lives such as the death of a loved one, the sudden end of a relationship or an accident, injury or illness or whether these feelings are the result of long standing beliefs about themselves or their relationships that keep getting in their way.
Though I cannot prescribe medication through this practice, I often help clients assess whether anti-depressant, anti-anxiety or mood stabilizing medication may be helpful and have worked with psychiatrists and other prescribing physicians to monitor the effects of medication in during therapy.


A simple way of understanding depression and anxiety is that depression refers to things that have happened in the past and that anxiety is being worried about the future. People usually experience both anxiety and depression simultaneously often with one set of feelings being predominate. Sometimes anxiety and depression occur in cycles alternating between periods of intense depression and heightened anxious activity. As a result of these feelings people assess their present as uncomfortable and fearful their emotional state and mood is unpredictable and feels unregulated. They experience a sense of low self esteem and wonder how anyone could possibly love them, often living lives that are isolated and cut off from family, friends and co-workers.

Specialities 3
Specialities 4


A simple way of understanding depression and anxiety is that depression refers to things that have happened in the past and that anxiety is being worried about the future. People usually experience both anxiety and depression simultaneously often with one set of feelings being predominate. Sometimes anxiety and depression occur in cycles alternating between periods of intense depression and heightened anxious activity. As a result of these feelings people assess their present as uncomfortable and fearful their emotional state and mood is unpredictable and feels unregulated. They experience a sense of low self esteem and wonder how anyone could possibly love them, often living lives that are isolated and cut off from family, friends and co-workers.

Specialities 5


The major barrier to recovery for those experiencing alcoholism, substance abuse and other forms of addiction is denial and defiance. In spite of the concerns of others and a growing awareness of a personal and repetitive pattern of destructive behavior that one has been unable to change, acceptance of this seems too severe or uncomfortable. At some point in an individual’s struggle with addiction it becomes clear that their lives are unmanageable and that they need to develop an awareness of resources which might help them change this pattern of behavior.

Specialities 6


The major barrier to recovery for those experiencing alcoholism, substance abuse and other forms of addiction is denial and defiance. In spite of the concerns of others and a growing awareness of a personal and repetitive pattern of destructive behavior that one has been unable to change, acceptance of this seems too severe or uncomfortable. At some point in an individual’s struggle with addiction it becomes clear that their lives are unmanageable and that they need to develop an awareness of resources which might help them change this pattern of behavior.


Working with an experienced therapist can help foster and develop acceptance and connection to resources. As a therapist, I recommend that people actively participate in 12-Step programs. However, I also appreciate that people struggling to become clean and sober often need a safe and confidential environment to explore the uncomfortable feelings that emerge during this process. As a therapist I have helped people find their way into recovery, to maintain this recovery and to deal with relationships with families and friends. I have also helped individuals and families who are dealing with the active addiction and recovery of a family member or loved one.

Specialities 7
Specialities 8


Working with an experienced therapist can help foster and develop acceptance and connection to resources. As a therapist, I recommend that people actively participate in 12-Step programs. However, I also appreciate that people struggling to become clean and sober often need a safe and confidential environment to explore the uncomfortable feelings that emerge during this process. As a therapist I have helped people find their way into recovery, to maintain this recovery and to deal with relationships with families and friends. I have also helped individuals and families who are dealing with the active addiction and recovery of a family member or loved one.



Many of us seek to create an environment where diversity and differences are accepted, but growing up different often exposes us to all kinds of challenges from family members, peers, schools and other social institutions. Whether through trauma, bullying or through more subtle forms of abuse and neglect, the effects of living with gender difference and sexual orientation shape our experience in life.
Therapy is often helpful in sorting out the effects of trauma and shame so that we can live a full active life rather than one of quiet or deeply resentful survival.



Many of us seek to create an environment where diversity and differences are accepted, but growing up different often exposes us to all kinds of challenges from family members, peers, schools and other social institutions. Whether through trauma, bullying or through more subtle forms of abuse and neglect, the effects of living with gender difference and sexual orientation shape our experience in life.
Therapy is often helpful in sorting out the effects of trauma and shame so that we can live a full active life rather than one of quiet or deeply resentful survival.



Many of us seek to create an environment where diversity and differences are accepted, but growing up different often exposes us to all kinds of challenges from family members, peers, schools and other social institutions. Whether through trauma, bullying or through more subtle forms of abuse and neglect, the effects of living with gender difference and sexual orientation shape our experience in life.
Therapy is often helpful in sorting out the effects of trauma and shame so that we can live a full active life rather than one of quiet or deeply resentful survival.



Many of us seek to create an environment where diversity and differences are accepted, but growing up different often exposes us to all kinds of challenges from family members, peers, schools and other social institutions. Whether through trauma, bullying or through more subtle forms of abuse and neglect, the effects of living with gender difference and sexual orientation shape our experience in life.
Therapy is often helpful in sorting out the effects of trauma and shame so that we can live a full active life rather than one of quiet or deeply resentful survival.



Change is constant whether we pursue it consciously or we feel that things just happen to us. Developing, aging, moving, separating, divorcing, new jobs, gaining or loosing income, the loss of parents or loved ones and children moving on all result in transitions that are uncomfortable and require adjustments.
Transitions can be supported through therapy by helping people identify and accept their present situation, regain a sense of assurance that will help them develop a clear idea of where they want to be in the future.